
Ancient Peoples & Beautiful Gardens

10 Timeless Principles for Everlasting Love

What is love? Many people think love is a strong emotion. Yes, but real love is much stronger than that. At Mount Sinai, the LORD revealed His great love for the descendants of Abraham by entering a Covenant with them. It was in effect a marriage love covenant. They were to be His people and He was to be their God.

The Ten Commandments are ten principles that preserve life and enhance love in every relationship.

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Passover from Death to Life

Since its inauguration in Egypt and Mount Sinai, the Passover has been celebrated for over 3,000 years. It tells of salvation from death and the new birth of a nation. People remember the Exodus to renew their faith that history is ultimately governed by One who will triumph over oppression and tyranny with justice and freedom.

Jesus takes Passover to another level teaching that His sacrificial death on the cross is the eternal plan of God to save, liberate, and give eternal life to people from every nation on earth.

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Exodus – The Journey of Moses from Slavery to Freedom

The LORD is on a mission to confront evil and establish His just rule throughout the world. He saves those enslaved to evil, teaches them his ways, and guides them towards a promised land where they can live responsible free lives under His protection.

This is the story of Moses and the Exodus, the journey out of slavery into freedom from evil and oppression.

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12 Remarkable things about Saint Catherine

Who was this woman whose name was given to the Sinai’s highest mountain, the world’s oldest working monastery, and the town chosen to be a centre for the three Abrahamic faiths?

Saint Katrina as the Sinai Bedouin call her, is remembered for her remarkable faith, persuasive powers, and courage. So how did this teenager become the patron saint for unmarried women, scholars, students, philosophers, and librarians?

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The Bedouin

The Bedouin are traditionally Arab nomads desert dwellers. They live throughout the Middle East and Arabia. The Bedouin of South Sinai say they originally came from the Arabian Peninsula. They are now usually settled in towns and villages, yet still value their freedom and independence above all else. Their way of life and culture are remarkably similar to the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the Bible.

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